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The biggest change is a new curriculum for schools and funded non-maintained settings (such as sessional day care settings like play groups and cylchoedd meithrin or private day nurseries registered to deliver education) in Wales from September 2022.
It will affect all schools other than independent schools. The curriculum has been made in Wales but shaped by the best ideas from around the world.
There will also be changes to improve how we assess children and young people in education, support children with additional learning needs and teacher and practitioner training and accountability. These improvements will complement the new curriculum.
Our national mission in Wales is to raise standards, raise the attainment of all children and ensure we have an education system that is a source of national pride and public confidence.
What is changing?
There will be a new curriculum, made in Wales by teachers, partners, practitioners, and businesses and shaped by the best ideas from around the world.
Assessment will be part of your child’s learning every day and they’ll work with their teachers to understand how well they’re doing.
There will also be new ways of training and supporting staff and help for schools to improve.
These changes will all complement the new curriculum.
The national curriculum was first introduced in 1988 before on-line shopping, Google and the Cloud. Now, the world of work is different, technology is different, society is constantly changing.
The curriculum must prepare young people to develop higher standards of literacy and numeracy, to become more digitally and bilingually competent, and to be confident, capable and compassionate citizens – citizens of Wales and citizens of the world.
Here’s when the new curriculum will be taught:
The curriculum will then roll out year by year until it includes year 11 by 2026 .
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