Working Together We Can All Achieve

Cyflwyniad i’r Criw Cymraeg

An Introduction to the Criw Cymraeg

Pwy ydym ni?

Who are we?

We are the Criw Cymraeg of Rhos y Fedwen Primary School. There are currently 10 members from Year 2 to Year 6. Each of us was voted by our class to be members of the Criw Cymraeg.  We chose to join the Criw Cymraeg because we are very interested in improving the use of Welsh in our school and in the community.  You will be able to spot us around school as each member wears a Criw Cymraeg badge.  Mrs Martin is also a member of the Criw Cymraeg.

Beth a wnawn?

What we do?

As Criw Cymraeg, we have given ourselves the following job description…

Bob dydd


Bob wythnos


Yn aml


Helpu plant eraill i chwarae gemau buarth yn Gymraeg

Help other children to play yard games in Welsh

Cyfarfod fel Criw Cymraeg i wneud penderfyniadau

Meet as the Criw Cymraeg to make decisions

Trafod cynnydd yn y Siarter Iaith

Discuss progress being made in the Language Charter

Sicrhau a helpu’r siop ffrwythau i redeg yn Gymraeg

Ensure and help the fruit shop to run in Welsh

Penderfynu ar ymadrodd yr wythnos

Decide on the phrase of the week

Sicrhau bod Cymraeg ar bob arddangosfa

Ensure that there is some Welsh on each display

Sicrhau bod pob dosbarth yn defnyddio Cymraeg

Ensure that all classes are using Welsh

Arwwain y wasanaeth Gymraeg

Lead the Welsh Assembly

Trefnu diwrnodau hwyl ar gyfer Dydd Gwyl Dewi, Diwrnod Shwmae ayb

Organise fun days for St Davids Day, Shwmae Day etc

Sicrhau bod yr athrawon yn siarad Cymraeg

Ensure that the staff are speaking Welsh

Gwobrwyo disgyblion a staff am siarad Cymraeg

Award pupils and staff for speaking Welsh

Rhedeg cystadlaethau Cymraeg

Run Welsh competitions

Beth ydyn ni wedi’i wneud hyd yn hyn?

What have we done so far?

As Criw Cymraeg, we have given ourselves the following job description…

Beth sy nesa?

What’s next?

We never stop thinking of ways to improve here in the Criw Cymraeg. Here are just some examples of activities and events that we will be working on this year:

School Notice(s) 9/1/22
First day of spring term (Monday, 9 January 2023).
View Notice
Contact Info
Got an enquiry? Get in touch with us.
  • Rhos y Fedwen Primary School
  • Honeyfield Road, Rassau, Ebbw Vale, Blaenau Gwent, NP23 5TA
  • (01495) 356021